আমাদের সম্পর্কে

Delpara Little Genius School and Collage is the official name of the academic institute, as registered with the education authorities. The native or alternative name of the institute is Delpara Little Genius School and Collage, often used in local Bengali language contexts. The unique Educational Institute Identification Number (EIIN) assigned to this institute is 112440, provided by the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education. The institute was established on 01 January, 1976, marking the beginning of its educational journey. The institute is officially recognized by the relevant authorities as Recognized. The institute received official recognition on 01 January, 1980. It is recognized at the Secondary, indicating the level or grade of approval. The institute is included in the Monthly Pay Order (MPO) system at the Yes, determining government funding for teachers' salaries. The official registration number for the institute’s inclusion in the MPO facility is 3004051301.


Photo 1
Nahid Alam


Photo 1
Assistant Teacher



পাবলিশ করা হয়েছেঃ N/A

সকল নোটিশ সমূহ


সকল শিক্ষকগণ


নাম্বারঃ 01922990055, 01308699924

ইমেইলঃ dlgsdelpara@gmail.com

ঠিকানাঃ Delpara, Kuttuppur, Fathullah, Narayangonj, Bangladesh